Saturday, September 24, 2011

And When We Talk

He said to me...
Mrs. Crookshanks says hi to you. She is my imaginary cat. I lie on her lap as I type this. She cut her paw nails last night for me. She is worried that I may forget her some day. Deeply. She is not married, she just likes the prefix after reading about Mrs. Dalloway somewhere.

She is asking me to pause everything, buy a small flat or even a terrace-room, become financially independent, get a huge, comfortable olive green couch and lie on it and watch movies and tv all day with her. She wouldn't like a flat screen. She wants the big box to be there so that the tv feels real like her. She wants an old school telephone that goes tring tring and an answering machine.

We would do all this when I go to sleep now and perhaps on some windy winter day three years later. Sophia and you are welcome anytime. She'll prepare fish curry for you and I'll make you some coffee and give it it to you in an aana pictured mug that we bought you last night after reading all you wrote.

And I replied...

I love it! I see it in my head. There will be a thick rug, the colour of sunset, in a corner. And three, large, mismatched cushions with hippy patterns. One of them have a large coffee stain from the last time you had me over and I broke the pot. It's still there.
The cactus sits on the sill, alone. You've been meaning to get Eleanor a partner. But can't decide between a fern or another cactus. The only time she gets company is when you go to the window with your morning coffee. But the view below distracts you, and you watch the World come to life from your corner. And you smile, like you know a dirty secret.
I'm not quite the cat person, though Mrs. Crookshanks is lovely. She is a wonderful cook, and makes sure she uses generous doses of tabasco. Just the way I like it.
I'm on the bus back home, and I have the window seat. It rained all day, yesterday and today, and tomorrow. And the water drops on the pane have made a pattern. And when the light shines through it does a kaleidoscopic dance. I wish I could bottle it up to show you.
Isn't Sophia lovely. Send me your postal address.